Day 22: TODAY!

And finally, we reach today!

Breakfast: OJ, PB&J sandwich

I had my orientation at my workplace (which I am not mentioning, because you shouldn't give information like that on the interwebzs) and it sounds like I'm up for a good summer! Of course, being employed. I now have to get up at the ungodly hour of 7 o'clock.

On the plus side, this means that I'm eating breakfast again!

Lunch: Hummus, bread, mango juice

I took a nap right after I got home from that first day, and so I missed lunch and everyone ate everything and left me with nothing (I really like this sentence for some reason).

So this ^ is what I ate for lunch.

Dinner: Baked potato and 7-up

So 7-up is not very healthy and I don't really like it that much, but there wasn't anything else to drink in the house (that I wanted to drink), so I finally relented and drank something unhealthy.

My New Candy: 

Read it. Just, read it. It's long overdue.

Day 21: Three Weeks DOWN!

I'm working tomorrow!!

Lunch: Rice, French fries, taboola, Hummus & bread, and Miranda. And random assorted frozen fruit.

This is what taboola looks like, for anyone who doesn't know
So, we had a little get together at my grandmother's house today, which ended up being a party-like situation because we were celebrating all my cousins' graduations.

I will join you next year (inshallah).

In more important news, I now have a bag of candy (from one of my baby cousins' 'noon's [too long to explain; a kid gets his first tooth or walks, so you throw candy on him/her]) which I can't eat!

Just a few of my forbidden fruit
Dinner: PB&J sandwich, Mountain Dew

It does seem like I have an endless supply of Mountain Dew, doesn't it?

So, then I went to sleep.

My New Candy: Meg Cabot books, I guess. Rereading the Mediator series!

It's about this girl who can talk to spirits and she helps guide them into the afterlife... and stuff.

Day 20: Don't Hate ME

So, I know I haven't blogged in about... 3 days? And this is supposed to be a daily blog. I'm sorry.

Breakfast: (YOU'RE BACK!) Fitness cereal w/ soy milk

Yes, I did actually drink soy milk without adding sugar and strawberries and ice and other stuff to it. In short, I did not enjoy that experience and from now on, I will eat my cereal without milk. Because soy milk does not taste good.

IMO, of course.

Lunch: - none-

I slept all through lunchtime.

Snack: Peanuts, Mountain Dew

Dinner: Chickpeas, mango juice

This was an awesome dinner. It's been awhile since I've eaten chick peas, and I've forgotten how much I like them!

Snack: Banana

I ate a healthy snack... I ATE A HEALTHY SNACK!

My New Candy: This guy ... because who hasn't wanted to be purple?

Day 19: Short Posts Galore

The first of four injections occurred today. I'm still in pain.

Lunch: Mango juice w/ toast

Snack: Mountain Dew

And then I slept for five hours... I was tired!

Dinner: Veggie Burger w/ lettuce and Mango juice

My New Candy: Sweatpants. And hot water bottles. And wool socks. And being comfortable.

Day 18: PotterMore and Apathy

Lunch: Corn on the cob, Mango juice, lettuce

It's been so long since I've eaten corn on the cob! And I ate a pretty healthy meal.

Apparently, those black handles are actual corn-on-the-cob handles. The need to use
something to hold corn was so great that someone had to invent something so
that people didn't need to hold the corn.

Sorry, that's just my severe misanthropy acting up.
Of course, I can't leave well enough alone, so for a snack, I ate:

Snack: Chiplets (x2), Mountain Dew

Yep, me and Mountain Dew here have rekindled our relationship. How I've missed thou.

Exercise: Walked for about 35 minutes outside.

Snack: Tea (with ungodly amounts of sugar, but that goes without saying, of course)

Dinner: PB&J sandwich and hot chocolate soy milk

My New Candy: As I am writing this, PotterMore is 13 hours away

For those of you who don't know what pottermore is (first of all, FOR SHAME!!!), it is the 'next new thing' after the Harry Potter series 'ended' (I use the term loosely; it shall never really end. As Dumbledore said "You think the dead we love will ever truly leave us? You think we don't recall them more than ever in times of trouble?". Replace 'dead' with 'books' and you'll know what I mean).

Anyway, yeah, no one in the Harry Potter community has any idea what it is (except a select few, like some of the popular fan sites), and know we all can't wait to find out what it is!

Day 17: Chronicles is a funny word...

I finished reading the four Chronicles of Narnia books that I have. [see: My New Candy]

Lunch: Veggie burger w/ lettuce and OJ

Snack: Chiplets, pineapple

Dinner: Veggie burger w/ that old soda drink D.C.

I couldn't find any pictures of it on Google! Do I have the name wrong?

Snack: Tea and cookies

(the reason I'm not very talkative right now might be attributed to the fact that I'm listening to The Sound of Silence right now. Simon & Garfunkel put me in a funky mood)

Okay, so since I've written so little I feel like I have to explain about my diet.


I got nothin'.

Coming up is my review of the Chronicles of Narnia.

My New Candy: I have so many mixed feelings about these books. Okay, let's start with a little background information. They were written by a British man named C. S. Lewis, published in 1950. It is set during the 1940's, during the Second World War.

On to the story itself.

Another thing I didn't like about the book. There was a lot of unnecessary frolicking, as shown on the book cover
First of all, the Christian themes hit you as hard as that bus hit Regina George in Mean Girls [see: Mean Girls). Aslan, the Great Lion, is clearly C. S. Lewis' interpretation of Jesus. Honestly, I was reading the first book (The Magician's Nephew) and he was talking about Aslan being reincarnated or something, and then resurrecting everyone and all the creatures... It just felt a bit too familiar.

Aslan is the one with the mane.
It would've made a better story if the morals weren't thrust in front of you like that.

Aside from, and what some might call 'propaganda' contained in the book, it was enjoyable. I've read other stories written roughly around that time, and they usually make me want to stick a fork in my eye, making me feel that that action would be less painful than continuing the book (Enid Blyton - yes, I mean you.)

Also, considering the time period, women (especially Susan; not so much Lucy) are stereotyped. The women avoid the battle, and one of the Beavers mentions (oh, yeah, there are talking animals) how Lucy acts more like a boy because she hunts, while Susan acts like a proper woman because she stays at home.

Was I being oversensitive by being pissed off at what he said?

The only badass woman is the White Witch. Pity she had to die...

I want her crown. And her awesome fur... thing. Faux fur, of course. I'm vegan, now, after all.

Day 16: Breaking the Vegan Code

Yes, I ate cheese.

Lunch: Rice w/ lentils and Arugula (jarjeer) and Lemonade juice

So now my mom is all about me eating food that contain iron. Lentils and arugula both have iron, sooo, yeah. I have to eat them. And random assorted nuts like cashews and almonds.

See this website for more information about what food to eat if you an iron deficiency: click here

Snack: Tea with vegan-approved chocolate-covered cookies

Good stuff.

And then I went to a dinner party at my aunt's house where I was faced with THE cheese. Let me just explain what I ate there:

Dinner/Snacks: Salad (arugula w/ lemon and cheese) and two lemonades w/ mint drinks, a few walnuts, and "sab il gafsha" (I have no idea that it translates to.. They're like sugary dumplings?)

Okay, so there was quite literally nothing for me to eat. I mean, like, dinner-wise. And I was really hungry. So I had to eat the salad!

I believe you are allowed to break the vegan code in matters of starvation. Does it help that I felt really guilty eating them? And that I managed to stop myself from eating this amazing looking Black Forest cake?

No? Then I will be contrite and penitent for the rest of this sentence.

There. All done.

Just kidding. Kinda, sorta.

My New Candy: Eat a lot of chocolate, if you can.

Day 15: Broken iPhone and Test results

Random tidbit: my iPhone has now officially been demoted to an iPod; it cannot receive or transmit calls or text messages.

Also, I have to take iron pills and inject myself with Vitamin D.


Breakfast: -none-

Lunch: OJ and a Veggie burger

Weird combination, but I was already drinking the orange juice as part of my 'breakfast'.

The veggie burger tasted really good. It tasted differently than how the other burger tasted, but it was just as delicious.

And here is when I received the news of my iron and Vitamin D deficiency. I have to take pills for the iron one:

I've actually been getting these since I've been in 8th grade, due to my anemia, but always forget to take them. Need to be more strict about them now, I guess.

And this is what the death note says:

I don't like injections.
Dinner: Veggie burger w/ lettuce and potato chips w/ Mango Juice and a mango dessert

Because I'm finding it impossible to go one say without eating something unhealthy, I ate potato chips too.

And I ate another veggie burger because, like I mentioned, they were delicious.

And mango juice is awesome.

So was the dessert I ate.

That is all.

Snack: Peanuts

My New Candy: Eat mangoes. And read A Case of Exploding Mangoes.


Day 14: iPhone Repair

Breakfast: Mango juice

After breakfast, I went to iCity in Shuwaikh to fix my iPhone which hasn't been sending or receiving calls or text messages. Basically, it does not acknowledge the existence of the SIM card. So that's that.

Lunch: Rice and water

Couldn't eat anything else at Grandma's house. Well, actually there were a couple of salads I could've eaten, but I didn't want to.

After Lunch, and after I went back to my house, I got the great news that my iPhone can't be repaired. So now I'm out 5 KD, to a guy who said something to me that I've already half-known. And I had to seperated from it for 8 hours for him to say that to me.

Dinner: Baked potato w/ lemon, 2 Mountain Dews and 2 Chiplets chips

'cause I had to drown my sorrows.

My New Candy: this Buffalo 1 terabyte USB external hard drive that I can't wait to get my hands on:

Found it here: Kuwaiti Online Store

First time I order on this website. 

Day 13: Unlucky Thirteen

Had to go to chalet. I hate going to the chalet.

Breakfast: PB&J, chocolate milk and a mango juice

Lunch: Rice... and then I decided to eat a Lettuce w/ peanut butter on it...

... it was pretty good. Not something that I would try again, but maybe if I had a drink that drowned the taste of everything that I ate -- maybe.

Went to the chalet at this point, after some bargaining. Due to the sensitivity of the contract, I am unable to reveal the contents of what was said.

Snack: Peanuts and a mango juice

Dinner: Assorted salads w/ corn (i love corn), potato wedges and a 7-up with lemon


J. K. Rowling is apparently going to do something new to the HP fandom (we have no idea what it is yet; book, encyclopedia, social network NO IDEA!) and is revealing what it is in a few days.

Follow this link to keep on eye on the countdown: PotterMore

Day 12: Night Out

First time I spend at someone else's house!

Breakfast: OJ

Wasn't very hungry. And, in fact, did not wake up late. Watcha think of that?

Lunch: Lentil soup w/ bread crumbs and a mango

Healthy meal all around, hitting two major food groups! And mangoes rock.

After that I went to a friend's house, where I proceeded to eat the following:

Dinner: Nachos

Yeah, I drank 3 mango juices too. But basically, what I lived off of there was popcorn and nachos. Vegan nachos, too, of course, but nachos nonetheless.

It was a good time.

My New Candy:

A fabulous movie called Easy A!

Not only because Emma Stone is an amazing person who you can't help but instantly love, but because the part she plays is such an awesome role for her, and she is hilarious and witty in it

Partially based off of, or at least, borrowed liberally from Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter (I can't tell you how similar they are, having never read TSL; the movie mentions it quite a bit though), it is a movie that MUST be seen be EVERYONE. It is the younger generations' Mean Girls.

And it contains gems like these:

Day 11: Stationary Bike-Riding and HIMYM

I felt guilty about my bad eating habits and exercised. YAY!

Breakfast: -none-

... what? It's summer. Of course I'm going to be sleeping in!

"Lunch": Potato chips and a Mountain Dew

Okay, so here, it's just me being picky. I didn't like the dinner they had prepared, so I just ate something not so healthy.

And that tastes of purple and of hope

Dinner: Peanut butter and Jelly sandwich with Mountain Dew and potato chips

Ignore the last part. Just think of the peanut butter and of the wheat bread. *waits* There ya go! It's like I've been eating healthily all day!

Snacks: Mango juice

Here is where I resisted getting the third M.D. of the day, and instead got me a mango juice.

David Schwimmer sarcastically claps for me

Exercise: 15 minutes on a stationary bike

My New Candy: 

The show "How I Met Your Mother"... because where else will you find conversations like this:

Words all should live by
Sorry, Canada :P
Yes it is! :)

Day 10: Sorry!

EDIT: Sorry! For some reason I can't post any pictures right now and I'm tired of restarting my computer and waiting for this whole thing again.

EDIT2: Yes!! Managed to post stuff!

Better post tomorrow!

Where nothing interesting happens... Seriously, most boring day ever...

Breakfast: -none-

Yes, I like to sleep

Lunch: Cocktail juice, Mango, [a weird form of] Okra

That must sound encouraging :p

Snack: Popcorn, Potato chips, Cookies, Mountain Dew

... I was still hungry. That's really the only thing I can say in my defense.

Dinner: French Fries and Mountain Dew

Snack: Potato chips, Mango juice

My New Candy: is eye-candy!

And because they say stuff like this (^)... For more context, know that Neal was in jail for stealing/forging art. And that Peter is an FBI agent.

White Collar's Matt Bomer here...

Oh, yeah. This just got real.
And it's actually a really good show!

Day 9: Beauty Contests, Proust and Sarcasm (and Nerds)

Watch Little Miss Sunshine. Like, now.

Breakfast: -none-

Hey, it's summer. I can't be expected to wake up early all the time

Lunch: Grape leaves, Lemonade

Grape leaves, again. Leftovers from yesterday, because there wasn't going to be any lunch today (parents were fasting).

Dinner: Hot chocolate and cookies

Well, dinner was going to be a veggie burger, but of course, it was gone. Somebody, who shall remain unnamed, ate all my burgers even though he could fully eat a normal burger... Jerk.

Snack: Nerds

Health-wise, today wasn't the best day. But better than the previous days. I think I'm managing to stay healthy, which is good. I just need to eat more fruit (again...).

My New Candy: The awesome, awesome movie, Little Miss Sunshine. Made me cry, made me laugh. The actors in it are just plain amazing, and it deals with real issues like suicide, death, human perception, and the over-sexualization of beauty pageants (at least, that's what I got from it). 

Doesn't the poster itself make you want to watch the movie?
My favorite character

The movies kinda made me think about why I'm doing this. Am I doing it on the off-chance that I might lose weight? Or because I really do want to be healthier.

I think it is mainly because I want to be more fit... and be healthier. Although, with what I'm eating (Nerds, Mountain Dew, Chips) I don't see how I'm going to manage.

Day 8: Food Does the Body Good

I finished an entire cereal box yesterday. And I still refused to add soy milk to it.

Breakfast: Orange Juice and Fitness cereal

I'm back to eating fruit!

Lunch: Grape leaves, Mountain Dew and a mango

I don't know if grape leaves are as widespread as they are here, but they definitely should be. And, hands down, our house makes the best ones. Which is saying a lot since I usually refuse to eat so much stuff that we make.

I feel like the sentence above didn't make sense, but I can't bring myself to change it.

After lunch, we went to my grandfather's house, where I ate...

Dinner: three pastries

There was nothing else I could eat! But then I went home and I managed to...

Snack: Eat cereal until the box was empty

Hey, at least I'm off the candy.

My New Candy: I forgot to add in the picture yesterday the Henrik Ibsen book I also bought.

I'd read his plays just for the 'do he has going for him
He writes a lot about social issues, and his plays are pretty short, nothing really epic, but they are all really good. I've read three so far (A Doll's House, the Master Builder, and An Enemy of the People) and I've enjoyed all of them.

Day 7: Awesome Saturdays, Tomatoes, and Books

One week down!

Breakfast: Fitness cereal, no milk (still haven't got the guts to drink it alone :S)

After "breakfast', I went to the bookstore! YAY!!!

I've been wanting to read Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace for such a loooonnnngggg time, so when I found out that the bookstore had it, I reserved it. And, after an incident where some other girl named Farah took the book instead of me, I finally have it!

Also, that means that I went to the bookstore twice this week... This is the loot I managed to bag.

Books (top to bottom): War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, Girls Night In by a compilation of authors,  Shadowland by Meg Cabot, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Mr. Darcy's Diary by Maya Slater, No Logo by Naomi Klein, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith, Every Boy's Got One by Meg Cabot, The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkein, The Horse and His Boy AND Prince Caspian by C. S. Lewis, British Women in the Ninteenth Century by Kathryn Gleadle, The Magician's Nephew & The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis, The King's Speech by Mark Logue and Peter Conradi
Doesn't it seem that I just wrote a lot more for the description than I normally write for entire blog posts? Huh...

Anyway, today (well, you know, yesterday) was my family's gathering, first one I've been to since I became a vegan!

Lunch (at my grandma's house): Rice and Salad w/ water

I tried tomatoes for the first time, too! And I found out why I've been avoiding them all my life!

they do NOT taste good and have caused me psychological damage
I mean, more than I already had.
No, here is a point of contention. Usually, rice is cooked in (rough translating here!) chicken water. So basically, a chicken had already been boiling in it or whatever (I'm not very clear on the details) and then they fry (how do they cook rice, anyway? Fry, broil, bake?) the rice on it.

I am allowing myself a free pass here... I didn't ask my grandma how they made the rice, and I don't think I want to. But I do know that here in our house, that's how we do it, and I think I'll allow myself a free pass on this one, because no one is going to agree to make a rice just for me.

Dinner (kinda sorta??): Carmel Frappuccino (soy milk FTW!), Chiplets and a Mountain Dew

So I left the gathering with my cousin and we stopped by Starbucks. I got myself the awesome carmel frappuccino that I've been denying myself for a while.

And then went home and ate junk food.

Life is good.

My New Candy: If you live in Kuwait and want to go to a good bookstore (which we are somewhat lacking here, or at least one with good prices), you should definitely go to the used book store in Kuwait City.

Visit: for a small list of the books they offer and also for directions!

If you do go, tell the storekeeper that I sent you :P Maybe I'll get a discount if I generate more customers :P

Day 6: Junkie

I am not cut out to quit so many things at once.

Still haven't broken the vegan code. Threw the healthy food one out the window, though.

Brunch: Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich (x2) and Cocktail juice

A meal... I think. Not sure what it actually is though: Chiplets chips (I'm almost too scared to write this: x6), Apple juice (x2), Lime Freez, Mountain Dew, Tic tac, Fruit roll-ups.

So, over a period of five hours, I consumed all of that. And then woke up feeling disgusting and disgruntled. Like I said, I'm writing on a seperate notebook all that I am eating so that I can keep track. I can't look at that paper right now.

I keep saying that I want to be healthier, eating habits-wise, but I am not managing it too well.

But I will persevere. I am definitely not giving up the vegan/trying to be healthy thing, but I should definitely try harder.

Day 5: My Faith is Tested (and MEAN GIRLS!)

I went to a restaurant yesterday... and I still survived. Woot-woot!

Brunch: PB&J sandwich, mango juice, and potato chips

No OJ, which was kind of sad. I had another orange juice gif that I haven't busted out yet.

Dinner: (at the restaurant) Hummus, Bread, Baked potato, grape leaves, lemonade w/ mint

Usually, I'm all like:

But this time I actually managed to control myself and eat properly so:

I went to eat at Mais Al- Ghanim with my family, and I think that that was the first time I have ever been there and did not eat the chicken tikka. It's sooo good. But I had my grape leaves to console me, so it was fine.

I thought it might be harder to resist eating at resturaunts and, well, I won't say it wasn't hard, but all it takes is self-control. For example, my baked potato had nothing in it. Just a plain ol' empty potato. Seeing as one of my great romances began with me and cheese, not adding any condiments to the potato was very hard.

But, it was all good. I ate a good healthy meal, and I had a good time.

However, I ate no fruits today, so that was bad... I need to drink orange juice tomorrow, at least.

My New Candy: Watch any movie/tv show/sketch/anything that Tina Fey has been a part of. She's awesome!

Most importantly, watch:

And a Harry Potter version:

Aaaaand The Beatles quote Mean Girls, too: