Day 22: TODAY!

And finally, we reach today!

Breakfast: OJ, PB&J sandwich

I had my orientation at my workplace (which I am not mentioning, because you shouldn't give information like that on the interwebzs) and it sounds like I'm up for a good summer! Of course, being employed. I now have to get up at the ungodly hour of 7 o'clock.

On the plus side, this means that I'm eating breakfast again!

Lunch: Hummus, bread, mango juice

I took a nap right after I got home from that first day, and so I missed lunch and everyone ate everything and left me with nothing (I really like this sentence for some reason).

So this ^ is what I ate for lunch.

Dinner: Baked potato and 7-up

So 7-up is not very healthy and I don't really like it that much, but there wasn't anything else to drink in the house (that I wanted to drink), so I finally relented and drank something unhealthy.

My New Candy: 

Read it. Just, read it. It's long overdue.

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