Day 12: Night Out

First time I spend at someone else's house!

Breakfast: OJ

Wasn't very hungry. And, in fact, did not wake up late. Watcha think of that?

Lunch: Lentil soup w/ bread crumbs and a mango

Healthy meal all around, hitting two major food groups! And mangoes rock.

After that I went to a friend's house, where I proceeded to eat the following:

Dinner: Nachos

Yeah, I drank 3 mango juices too. But basically, what I lived off of there was popcorn and nachos. Vegan nachos, too, of course, but nachos nonetheless.

It was a good time.

My New Candy:

A fabulous movie called Easy A!

Not only because Emma Stone is an amazing person who you can't help but instantly love, but because the part she plays is such an awesome role for her, and she is hilarious and witty in it

Partially based off of, or at least, borrowed liberally from Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter (I can't tell you how similar they are, having never read TSL; the movie mentions it quite a bit though), it is a movie that MUST be seen be EVERYONE. It is the younger generations' Mean Girls.

And it contains gems like these:

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